The Clown Box
I was 4-years-old in 1989. I had a toy music box. Actually, I’m not 100% sure it was a toy or even a music box at all. But it was a wooden square, like a picture frame, and painted in the center was — of all the God-forsaken images — a cute, colorful clown.
It wasn’t just a picture of a clown, though. Instead of a two dimensional nose, he had a wooden ball that was painted bright, fire engine red. The object of the “toy” was to twist the nose counter-clockwise and then watch it unwind slowly, during which time it would play this wretchedly ominous, almost purposefully wicked little tune.
I hated that thing and almost never played with it. Then, one day I remember wearing a pair of little footsie pajamas and walking upstairs into the toy area where the clown box lay on the floor. Creeping toward it carefully, my eyes eventually fell onto its center, right onto his big, shiny nose.
I gawked at the little red ball as it slowly twisted itself counter-clockwise, entirely untouched by human hands. After it spun itself far enough back, I watched it unwind, taunting me with its nightmarish tune. I clenched my eyes, uncertain why, and never told anyone. That is, until my brother mentioned seeing the same thing years later…
By this time, my family moved to the sticks, into a nice two-story farmhouse on a hill. My brother’s room was at the top of the stairs and to the left. Sometimes at night, when I would walk past his room, I would see a shadow on the wall of what looked to be a WWII soldier walking through the room.
There were other paranormal occurrences at that house, including one that almost burned the place down, but the most vivid sightings happened at the next house, when I was nine…
Often, while gathered around the dining room table for a meal or a late night board game, the same man would casually walk past our window. He was a simple man, white skin, white shirt, blue jeans, and brown hair. As for his wife, she loved her pink robe.
Many nights we’d be watching some good old must-see ‘90s TV when the woman would float right across the room directly beside the parlor. This got to the point that none of us, not my brother, me, or our parents were really phased by any of it. The ghosts in our houses were essentially part of our family.
Of course, this begs the question of how one family could live in multiple haunted houses. Well, in a sense, I suppose that every house is haunted because everything and everyone is here and now — it’s just that some people can see much more of it than others. I’m certain that some people are like a conduit or a magnet for what we call paranormal activity. I am also certain that my mother is one of these people.
Descendant from Gypsies, she inherited elevated levels of insight and sensitivity to otherworldly phenomena. Thankfully, she has passed this down to me, and I am now thrilled to pass as much as I possibly can down to you…
So long as you’re willing to accept it.
Welcome to Aligning The Beyond
All over the world, there are countless tales of paranormal events that have left people curious, shaken, and in some cases, changed forever. Unfortunately, when we hear these stories, they often come with a caveat of unknowingness, depicting otherworldly ideas that could never happen here and leaving the audience in suspense, wondering if such things could possibly be real.
Drawing from his own bloodlines and personal encounters, studies, meditations, out-of-body experiences, and lucid dreaming, Bill has used his acquired knowledge to help many people seeking answers. In this space, he reads some of the most fascinating and baffling paranormal encounters gathered from Reddit and other sources around the web, helping his listeners understand what is happening.
Every story is a fascinating glimpse into the paranormal as told by every day people who have experienced something truly from “the beyond.” By digging into the roots of these stories, Bill is thrilled to guide you into a new world — one in which you know beyond the shadow of a doubt, that there is much more to this life than others might ever believe.